国庆七天如何度过 国庆七天英语日记七篇?

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October 1st
Today, I went to the Mountain ErMei in Sichuan province.
The mountain was covered by trees and the most interesting thing is that it has a lot of monkeys. The monkeys are not at all afraid of human, and they may even come over and take whatever thing they are interested on you. Any food, or toys or even umbrella are targets of the monkeys.
Besides the monkeys, the temples there are also worth visiting. Religious people go there and wish for good luck for their beloved ones and themselves.
October 2nd
Today,My family went on a trip to Peoples sun shone brightly,the grass was green and the view on our way to the park is so fantastic that i couldnt stop taking photos.we have a picnic in the mother boated with my Dad on the river.i played with my friend Mike on the grass and then we have supper in a resaurant.
how plesasant the trip was!
October 3rd
One Sunday my mother had made me take my little young brother to the a trip to the country. She bade me take good care of him.
While we were walking along the road, the sun was shining brightly the breeze was blowing gently. We saw the beautiful flowers seems smile . at us heard the birds was singing. their sweet songs on the trees. The scenery was indeed very beautiful.
What a wonderful trip!
October 4th
Yestoday was selebrating day.I got up at 10 0


国庆放了7天假很高兴,我的打算是1号回老家看看公婆,晚上吃完饭回来,然后去我们这有个玫瑰情缘看夜景,听别人说十一的夜景办的挺好的,还有演出呢,我和老公带着两个宝贝去,2号能我的大侄子结婚,我们要去参加婚礼,在农村老家办婚礼,热闹,吃完午饭,下午和家里人玩会牌,聊会天,基本就是玩一天了,3号准备回老公的舅舅家河北,我儿子爱吃南瓜,舅舅家那边的南瓜甜又糯,去那边拿几个去,也随便带点东西看看舅舅,基本就是晚上回来了,4号打算带两个宝贝去图书馆看书,养成阅读的习惯,下午去商场逛逛 晚上外面吃顿饭就回家了,5好打算在家休息一天,6号老公去值班了,值到8号开班了。我陪孩子在家附近的公园玩会吧。今年十一国庆节赶上70年大庆,最好别出去旅游,哪哪都是特别的严。举个例子,想我老公他们单位9月30号和10月1号这两天都不让食堂开火做饭,让员工点外卖吃这六餐。要是出去玩的话注意事项  1,虽然说出去玩是一件开心的事情,但是如果你不做好出游的准备工作,就可能将开心的事情便成了比较烦躁的事。国庆旅游注意事项不仅仅是出去玩的时候要注意,即便是出游前家里的一些防护工作也要做好哦。
 2, 其次,在外出旅游的时候,你一定要找一个靠谱的旅行团,因为有些旅行团会比较坑,不好好带你出去玩也就算了,还会强迫你去买东西,这样就会大大的坏了旅游时的心情。在挑选旅游团的时候,你可以根据朋友的介绍,或者一些比较知名的旅游团企业,这样的话,也比较放心一些